何時會吃到爆米花– 看電影或看球賽? 星球工坊爆米花顛覆台灣人對爆米花的刻板印象, 除了陸續研發新口味外, 也針對零食伴手禮市場設計禮盒, 甚至入圍2017十大人氣團購美食. 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐到他們不同口味的爆米花.
When do you eat popcorns – while watching movie or game? The Magi Planet Popcorn keeps inventing new flavors and designing gift box. They are also at the Top 10 Must-Buy Snacks list. Now, I have the opportunity to try out their popcorns with different flavors.
收到禮盒時, 亮白色禮盒上有燙銀的”Magi Planet”的Logo, 禮盒的水彩設計以鮮黃色色為主, 代表著玉米的顏色, 桃紅色與水藍色為輔, 代表注入新的元素與概念. 厚質材的紙盒不怕在運輸中被撞壞, 盒中也內附一張型錄紙卡, 上面除了口味和照片之外, 也強調原料是採用“美國進口非基因改造玉米粒”. 同時也附贈了一只手提紙袋, 方便送禮.
The bright white gift box has their bright silver “Magi Planet” logo. The box itself has bright yellow as main color, similar with popcorn color. Bright blue and pink color are additional colors, similar with “take it up a notch”. The paper card inside the box also states that the raw material is from US non – genetically modified corns.
將盒子打開後, 有三包亮黑色的精美包裝, 將袋子翻到背面皆有貼著口味名稱與營養標, 包裝採用夾鏈袋方式, 只需從上方撕開即可享用, 任何時刻享用, 若當下吃不完, 可再將夾鏈袋封住.
There are three identical bright black zip-lock bags. When you turn at the back of the bag, you can see each content’s name and nutrition facts. You can easily tear the top and enjoy. When you didn’t finish eating, you can zip the bag and store.
彩Young禮盒 (玫瑰鹽焦糖 x 1, 黑胡椒玉米濃湯 x 1, 海苔章魚燒 x 1)
Gift Box (Crystal Salted Caramel, Corn soup flavor with pepper, Takoyaki)
Price 原價: NTD$450
爆米花 – 玫瑰鹽焦糖風味
English Name: Popcorn with Crystal Salted Caramel
Foodelicious 美味程度:
象牙白色的小顆爆米花表面有少許焦糖糖衣, 咬下一口脆爆米花, 適度的焦糖風味並不會蓋住獨特的微鹹風味.星球工坊採用的原物料為喜馬拉雅山的玫瑰岩鹽, 並沒有所謂的現代海洋呼染所以較為純淨且成本較高. 每口都是恰到好處的鹹甜平行風味.
Each beige color popcorn has small amounts of caramel sugar coating. Biting at the crispy popcorn, the caramel flavor didn’t cover the fair amount of saltness. Magi Planet uses Himalayas crystal salts instead of ocean salts in order to avoid nowadays ocean pollution but with higher cost. Every bite has perfectly merged salt and sweet flavors.
爆米花 – 玉米濃湯風味
English Name: Popcorn with Corn Soup Flavor
Foodelicious 美味程度:
一打開即是”Campbell 金寶湯“的玉米濃湯風味, 由於沒有裹糖衣, 就像薯條沒有加番茄醬一樣, 吃起來較為爽脆. 品嚐濃厚玉米風味外, 隱約帶有點的甜味, 黑胡椒的提味則是呼應大部分人喝玉米湯喜歡加黑胡椒的習慣.
When opening the bag, the Campbell corn soup flavor appears. Because there isn’t any sugar coating, the popcorn is crisper than usual. While tasting, there are also hints of sweetness and peppers.
爆米花 – 海苔章魚燒風味
English Name: Popcorn with Takoyaki
Foodelicious 美味程度:
每經過夜市, 總有一兩攤在賣章魚燒, 這款爆米花風味讓人感覺到又回到夜市, 滿滿的柴魚風味, 類似日式甜醬油的調味, 再加上海苔絲與洋蔥粉的加持, 吃一口時, 海鮮風味在口中散開.
When walking around Taiwan Night Market, there is always one or two food booths that are selling Takoyaki. The nose senses bonito (fish) flavors with sweet soy sauce flavors. Pairing with sliced seaweed and onion powder is perfect. Every bite has thick seafood aroma as well.
接下來要試吃的是我去參加ATT4FUN“星球工坊爆米花“專櫃開幕加碼贈品, 外包裝為白色.
Next three flavors would be the gifts from their grand-opening stand at Taipei ATT4Fun Department store. The package color is white.
爆米花 – 川香麻辣
English Name: Popcorn with Mala Flavor
Foodelicious 美味程度:
撲鼻而來的孜然香味讓人期待, 辛香料也包括了大紅袍花椒粉, 爆米花的Size較小且脆, 在吃的時候, 有種在吃“黃飛紅麻辣花生“的錯覺, 即使舌尖被麻辣風味衝擊, 仍舊心甘情願地吃完.
The cummins flavor stimulate your appetite. The spices also includes Sichuan peppers. Its Male flavor offer satisfaction to your carving for salty and spicy snacks.
爆米花 – 太妃焦糖
English Name: Popcorn with Toffee Flavor
Foodelicious 美味程度:
很難想像星球工坊爆米花是人工爆炒與調味, 因為太妃焦糖完美地裹滿整粒爆米花形成厚糖衣, 焦糖甜味十足但不至於將味蕾全部包覆住, 網站上提到此款爆米花也可冷藏吃, 較不會黏手, 甜度稍微降低, 但風味仍然十足.
Could you imagine that “Magi Planet Popcorn” is produced manually? Well, the news said so. It is even harder to image that coating the popcorn perfectly with Toffee is done manually. However, the tastebuds didn’t cover by its sweetness and thick coating. The website mentioned that it could also be refrigerated. After refrigeration, the sweet level decreases but the toffee flavors remains the same.
爆米花 – 松露巧克力太妃
English Name: Popcorn with Truffle Toffee Flavor
Foodelicious 美味程度:
一顆顆的形狀像之前Costco販售的松露巧克力迷你版, 打開包裝整個都是巧克力風味, 太妃焦糖黏著性強, 吃的時候只有少數巧克力粉會沾在手上, 冷藏後, 即使爆米花較鬆軟, 但卻增加了較多巧克力香氣.
When you opens the package, you would see the popcorn appearance looks like mini truffle chocolate. Overwhelmed chocolate flavors with toffee flavors offers double satisfaction while eating it. After refrigeration, the popcorn becomes a bit softer but with more chocolate flavor.
*此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
Magi Planet Popcorn 星球工坊爆米花