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Magi Planet星球工坊》爆米花霜淇淋| 新開幕 | 信義ATT4FUN | 辦公室點心



2017-06-20 01:31 美食


不光是團購宅配, Magi Planet 星球工坊台北市信義ATT4FUN一樓麥當勞旁開了一個獨立店面, 除了創新口味爆米花外, 也有販售啤酒優格霜淇淋. 這次有這個榮幸受邀至新開幕的店面. Magi Planet not only sells online. Now, they set up a store to sell popcorns and also beer yogurt ice cream at Taipei XinYi District ATT4FUN near McDonald. Today, I have the opportunity to attend their grand opening.


店面位於繼光香香雞對面, 在信義威秀通往ATT4Fun的天橋下, 非常好找且交通方便, 近101捷運站, 買了冰品或是爆米花後, 可直接坐在中庭享用. 員工熟練地先將少許太妃焦糖爆米花從黃色配料罐拿出, 再把配料放置在杯中, 之後則是用霜淇淋覆蓋住爆米花, 最後步驟則是將3~4顆爆米花與玉米脆片灑在霜淇淋.
The store’s exact location is near “J&G Fried Chicken” and under the sky bridge from Xinyi Viewshow to ATT4Fun. The staff first puts fair amount of popcorn with Toffee flavor inside the ice cream cup. They use the ice cream machine to cover the popcorns. At last, they put 3~4 popcorns and corn flakes to garnish.



English Name: Beer Yogurt Ice Cream
Price: $120
Foodelicious 美味程度:????????????

其實酒類冰品在台北陸續有出現過,從很久以前的日本啤酒冰沙, 到最近持續流行的蜂蜜威士忌霜淇淋, 這是第一次我在台北看到啤酒優格霜淇淋. 跟他們員工聊天時得知他們試過許多款啤酒, 後來是以台啤經典 (銀色罐裝)製作. 至於名稱中的“金”其實是金黃色的玉米脆片. The alcohol ice cream is quite common in Taipei City from time to time. This is my first time in Taipei trying out the Beer Yogurt Ice Cream. Magi Planet staff mentioned that they use Taiwan Classic Beer.

挖起一小口, 雖然不會很紮實但也不會過於稀釋, 會先品嚐到經典優格的乳酸風味, 淡淡的啤酒風味隨之而來, 再挖一顆爆米花跟著霜淇淋吃時,甜度適中的太妃焦糖絲毫不會減低優格酸度. 店員也提到建議只用太妃焦糖爆米花, 因為爆米花外層裹著濃郁的太妃焦糖, 冰品完全不會影響到脆度. 爆米花依舊維持脆度. The ice cream texture is not dense nor watery. You can taste the classic yogurt sourness at the beginning. Hints of beer flavor appears moments later. The popcorn toffee flavor doesn’t decrease the yogurt flavor though. The staff mentioned that they suggestion to use toffee flavor because the toffee coating can prevent the popcorns becomes softer.

至於其他口味爆米花介紹,在上一篇文章已介紹過, 連結如下
Other popcorns flavors introduction are at the following link:

Products include Crystal Salted Caramel/corn soup flavor/Takoyaki/Mala/Toffee Flavor/Truffle Toffee


*此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

Magi Planet Popcorn 星球工坊爆米花
地址: 1F, No. 12, Song Shou Road, Taipei City 台北市信義區松壽路12號1F (Map)
店面營業時間:11am ~ 10pm

