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【 Taipei City 台北市 】 BJ BAR 飛鏢酒吧, 啤酒,串燒 @ 台北忠孝復興站



2017-03-02 01:58 美食



Restaurant Name店名: BJ Bar 飛鏢酒吧

????  MRT station 捷運站:Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT Station 忠孝復興站

???? Address: No. 302, Section 3rd,  Civil Blvd, Taipei, Taiwan 台北市大安區市民大道三段302號

???? Nearby Hotel: N/A

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Back at USA, there isn't actually a bar that is specific for playing darts.  Most dart machines are always placed besides the pool table. It would be fair to say that most Americans only plays darts while waiting for the pool tables. On the contrary, there are actually quite a few “Dart Theme” Bars in Taipei City East District. 在美國, 其實並沒有所謂的飛鏢酒吧, 飛鏢機器總是被擺放在撞球桌旁, 美國人大部分都是在等撞球桌空位的時候才會射飛鏢. 在台灣東區反而有少許以飛鏢主題的Bar.  




I have the opportunities to visit BJ Bar, which is located near Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station. Opened BBQ kitchen and the bar are connected together. The bar counter has Guinness beer machine and Classic1664 beer machine along with red wines. The seats are high chairs, but it is quite comfortable.  There are two dart machines that are placed at the corner. It is far than enough for people to play. 這次有機會可以體驗到台北東區靠近忠孝復興捷運站的BJ Bar, 開放式的炭燒廚房跟吧台連接在一起, 吧台上擺設Guinness ,經典1664的啤酒機器和一些紅酒. 雖然是高腳椅, 但卻坐起來蠻舒服, 

吧台旁也有單人高腳椅可以不受其他人打擾在一旁享受美食. 兩台飛鏢機器主角則是擺設在Bar角落, 是個適合朋友聊天喝酒玩樂的好地方. 




The darts machine are new considering they just opened at the end of last year. You just need to put NTD$10 coins into the machine to start the game. Mr. Kim, as my experienced-dart-player friend, mentioned that NTD$10 is very cheap in Taipei City east district. The darts are easy to attach to the board. The game is easy to play and operates smoothly without any flaw. 

飛鏢機器看得出來是全新, 玩一局一人只需投幣$10, 我朋友金大是個以前常玩飛鏢的常客, 他提到之前他在台北玩的價位大概都是一局$30, BJ Bar的價格是他看過最低的, 他很投入地享受邊喝酒邊射飛鏢的樂趣, 而且飛鏢頭會乖乖地貼在箭靶上不會滑落, 遊戲也不會當機.



Most dart bars only have snacks, such as chips and fries. However, this bar has a completed menu with various BBQ foods. We ordered total 9 dishes. There are a few dishes that both Mr. Kim and I like. 通常飛鏢Bar只有下酒零食- 例如薯條或是玉米餅, 但是這家的菜單可媲美一般燒烤店, 多樣化且平價的餐點很合我跟金大的胃口.



1. Beer Clams 啤酒蛤蠣 NTD $80

Foodelicious 美味程度:  ????????????????

Due to their shortage of “cherry wine”, they substituted with 1664 Classic Beer. The dish display is simple, but the aroma is complex with seafood and hints of alcohol. Most clams are juicy as expected. You can also drink the leftover soup. 由於櫻桃酒缺貨 , 店家改用經典1664的啤酒烹煮蛤蜊. 簡單的料里但吃起來則是有兩種不同風味- 海鮮味和酒香. 飽滿的蛤蠣連同帶有酒香的湯汁一起吃是最好的搭配. 



2. BBQ Lamb 羊肉串 NTD $180

Foodelicious 美味程度:  ????????????????

The chopped lamb are covered with fair amount of cummins and small amount of white sesames. The cummins are always best spice to pair with lambs.  When take the first bite, the lamb meats are tender and delicious.肥瘦恰當的羊肉加上香氣獨特的孜然來替味覺定調,再用少許白芝麻點綴, 嘗第一口時即可感受到好吃且鮮嫩羊肉.




3. Yellow Tail 油甘魚 NTD $100

Foodelicious 美味程度:  ????????????????????

I was surprised to see BBQ Yellow Tail and sashimi at the menu. And the price is only NTD $100. You don't need to pick the fish bones and it is easy to held the fish meat with chopsticks. There are more fats in Yellow Tail, therefore, it tasted extremely delicious. This dish is the most successful dish of the day. 驚訝地發現菜單有生魚片甚至有燒烤油甘魚時,  我毫不客氣點了個油甘魚因為價格才$100. 我本來以前會像秋刀魚一樣很多刺 (因為我只吃過油甘魚生魚片), 但是上菜時才發現原來有點像鱈魚的形狀, 也不用挑魚刺, 由於油脂較多,  吃起來更加鮮嫩, 可說是那天最成功且最好吃的一道菜.  





4. 嫩肩里肌牛肉 NTD$180

Foodelicious 美味程度:  ????????????????

Tender would be the word that I would describe this dish. Their chef did not overcook the beef, which is great. The hint of saltness is definitely a plus“嫩”這個字是我會用來形容這道菜, 牛肉嚐起來像”開丼餐廳“的高品質骰子肉, 廚師有技巧地將肉烤半熟, 不會讓牛肉太乾. 




5. BJ Bar Special Edition Pork Sausage 特製豬肉串 $80

Foodelicious 美味程度:  ????????????

The difference between their edition and other edition is that BJ Bar uses less salt and free of food additives. Natural is always good! But,I would suggest they serve this dish with peppers on the side to create more flavors. 其實這道菜有點像香腸, 但是他們只加了少許的鹽, 且並無添加物, 完成這道健康的菜, 但若是能放一些胡椒鹽旁邊任客人自行添加會更好.




6. BBQ Mushroom 鮮香菇 $80

Foodelicious 美味程度:  ????????????????????

It is easy to cook mushroom, but it is not easy to keep the mushroom soften. Their mushroom are the same size and its quality is already above average prior cooking. With only small amount of BBQ sauce, the mushrooms are yummy.  香菇很容易烹煮, 但是卻需要時間和用心去預防它燒烤過度會變乾,

我給五顆星並不是因為我是菇控,而是每片香菇都差不多大小且不會刷上太多BBQ醬, 是道恰到好處的料理. 





What do you order in the dart bars? Of course Beers!! Guinness Stout is smooth and creamy as expected. Kronebourg 1664 lager is crisp and also refreshing. Red Point IPA is Made-In-Taiwan beers that made from American hops. You can taste bitterness after taking the first sip. As for Red Point Rock Monkey stout, it has heavy roasted flavors mixed with hops. Because pairing with all the meats, you can barely detect the complex flavors- which stated as grapefruits and coffee.  All 4 beers are great pairing with BBQ Food!! 到飛鏢Bar 當然就是要喝新鮮甘醇的現打生啤酒啊!  Guinness 的滑順和 Kronebourg 1664 的新鮮都已經是眾所皆知. 但是另外兩支啤酒倒是沒有在其他餐廳看過, 台PA 其實就是印度淡啤酒 ( IPA ),原料為美國精選啤酒花. 且是在台灣釀造, 喝下第一口是適中的苦味, 另外一支則是 Rock Monkey (台灣獼猴黑啤酒), 可能是因為我們在吃較為重口味的燒烤,  並沒有網路上提到的葡萄柚或是咖啡風味, 但是有喝出重烘培麥芽味的口感. 四款啤酒都可搭配燒烤型的料理!


備註: 「飲酒過量,有害健康」







Tel: 02 2775 2147

FB: https://www.facebook.com/BJ-BAR-1171542859550153/



