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札幌炎神拉麵 》東區台灣店國父紀念館捷運站 | 1300度炙燒噴火秀日本拉麵 | Taipei Ramen



2017-05-21 19:46 美食


之前在食尚玩家裡看到札幌炎神拉麵1300度炙燒的華麗噴火秀 ,每次經過台北東區分店時, 總有股衝動想要走進去享用, 低調奢華的室內設計卻讓人誤以為札幌炎神拉麵較為昂貴, 其實並不盡然. 這次有這個榮幸可以品嚐傳說中的火焰味噌拉麵2012海薰鹽味拉麵.
Sapporo Ramen Restaurant” has several branches around Taiwan. One of them is located at Taipei East District. This restaurant has a special selling points besides their Ramen, they have “LIVE COOKING WITH FIRE SHOW” for visual presentation. Surprisingly, it wasn’t expensive comparing with other Ramen restaurants. This time, I have the opportunity to try out both of their signature dishes – Miso Ramen 2012 version and Ramen with Salt flavor.



不同於傳統日本拉麵店, 座位不擁擠, 甚至有長桌可讓公司部門聚餐, 也有單人吧台座. 噴火秀帶給客人的感官視覺享受則是不在話下, 炎神拉麵不僅有拉麵, 也有沾麵與飯類, 菜單選擇有單點與雙人餐, 也可選擇湯頭濃淡, 甚至可免費升級大碗! 店家則是讓我們品嚐雙人餐.
Unlike other traditional restaurants, the seats are not crowded. It even has a long table for over 6 people to sit together. The “LIVE COOKING WITH FIRE SHOW” is just nearby the entrance. Besides ramen with soup, this restaurant also offers ramen with dip sauce and rice. You can also choose the soup base thickness level and even upgrade the ramen noodle quantity for free. The restaurant let my friend and I try out the 2-people sets.



English Name: Miso Ramen 2012 version
Price 單價 : NTD $270
Foodelicious 美味程度: ????????????????

從玻璃窗外看著一位主廚忙碌地製作招牌味噌拉麵, 先用著噴火槍先“爆香拌炒” (北海道傳統作法)豬絞肉, 再用高溫將湯頭與油脂融合在一起. 與2011版本較為不同的是主廚加入北海道名產“馬鈴薯” (還記得薯條三兄弟?) 讓湯頭更加濃郁, 此款拉麵在紅味噌 , 白味噌與田舍味噌(以麥麴發酵, 鹽分較高) 加持下, 再加入蔬菜及大吟釀酒粕烹煮湯頭, 成為店內的銷售NO. 1 招牌拉麵. 拉麵端上桌時,勺起湯頭時, 味噌香氣並無想像中明顯, 品嚐一口, 濃郁但不厚重的湯頭, 舌尖感受到馬鈴薯的粉質, 迷人帶有中度鹹度的味噌風味在味蕾中散開, 麵體軟硬適中, 夾起塊狀的一口骰子豬, 扎實但不乾硬的口感極佳.
“LIVE COOKING WITH FIRE SHOW” starts with the chef uses the large torch to stir-fry the ground porks and the lard together, which is the Hokkaido Traditional Cooking Style. The difference between 2012 vs 2011 version is that the chef adds potato thick base into the soup. Parts of reason is that potatoes are one of Hokkaido’s famous agriculture products. Also adding potato base would thicken the soup broth. The first sip is similar with “Vichyssoise” texture but hot. Fair amount of miso flavor with hints of saltness spreads into the mouth pleasantly. The ramen noodle texture is right in the middle, not too hard nor soft. As for the diced pork, the texture is tense but not dry.



English Name: Ramen with Salt flavor.
Price 單價 : NTD $270
Foodelicious 美味程度: ????????????????

此款拉麵並非傳統的“淡麗”鹽味拉麵, 由於主廚將魚貝類與日本進口鹽醬共同熬煮成高湯, 再加入白湯 ,蔬菜湯與昆布湯, 造就了店內No. 2 銷售高湯. 視覺上湯頭明顯地少, 猜測的原因為太多會導致過鹹, 加太多高湯會讓湯頭變淡. 原本以為海鮮味會蓋著鹽味, 但海鹽風味主導此款拉麵, 咬下一口炙燒五花叉燒時, 除了燒肉香味外也帶有點湯汁, 適度的油脂讓口感更加分, 經過昆布的點綴完整呈現了不同豪華版的鹽味拉麵.
Surprisingly, this ramen is not just the traditional simplified salt flavor. The chef uses fish & clam stock with fair amount of imported Japanese salts to make the broth. The soup base also includes vegetable and seaweed stock as well. This ramen soup seafood flavor is covered with the salt, which dominate this dish. The grilled porks are tender and succulent as expected.



English Name: Seaweed Salad with pork
Price 單價 : NTD $70
Foodelicious 美味程度: ????????????
此款沙拉預計六月會正式開賣, 廚師豪邁地將切丁叉燒灑在深綠色海藻與高麗菜切絲上, 微酸的沙拉醬汁不會奪走拉麵湯頭風味, 一邊吃海薰鹽味拉麵,一邊品嚐清脆的海藻是種享受!
The chef plans to add this salad dish on the menu on June. The small grilled diced porks are spread all over the tasty seaweed and crisp cabbage. The vinegar salad dressing completes this dish. It is great pairing this dish with the Ramen with Salt Flavor.



English Name: Crispy Chicken
Price 單價 : NTD $100
Foodelicious 美味程度: ????????????
第一口即可感受到酥脆外皮的微微檸檬風味, 一邊吃拉麵一邊與朋友聊天時, 雞軟骨就不知覺地被吃完. The crispy texture on the skin has hints of citric flavor. This dish could be finished without noticing since it is quite delicious.


最後, 飲料則是選擇可爾必思與可樂作為結尾. As for the drinks, my friend and I choose calpico and coke.

*此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受



Restaurant Name店名: 札幌炎神拉麵 Sapporo Ramen Restaurant
???? MRT station 捷運站: S.Y.S. Memorial Hall MRT station 國父紀念館捷運站
???? Address: No. 49, Ale 280, Guanfu South Road, Taipei City 台北市大安區光復南路280巷49號 (MAP)
???? Nearby Hotel: SANWAN HOTEL 台北神旺飯店
電話:02 2775 2783
營業時間:11:30 am ~ 3pm (Last Order 2:30pm)  ; 5:30 pm ~ 9:30 pm (Last order 9pm)
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