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「食采集思」汐止義式料理 平價有幾新北蔬食義大利麵、披薩 體驗食後感想


fashion ecstasy

2017-06-22 13:10 美食


Protected: 食采思集 汐止義式料理 平價有幾新北蔬食義大利麵、披薩 體驗食後感想 Fashion Ecstasy June 22, 2017 Protected: 食采思集 汐止義式料理 平價有幾新北蔬食義大利麵、披薩 體驗食後感想2017-07-26T06:17:11+00:00EventFood No Comment
- Fashion Ecstasy on June 22, 2017.



新北市汐止區食采集思是一間兩層樓的餐館,室外及門口有花草圍繞,泰迪熊做為裝飾。近汐止火車站,步行只要5分鐘,食采集思 內部擺設具歐洲風味,樓下有一隅是咖啡料理台,架上擺著幾瓶橄欖油等料理食材。工作人員告訴我們,樓上是老闆原本的住宅房間改裝,柔和的色彩配上小巧、溫馨的桌椅,讓人有「家」的感覺。

食采集思堅持選用有機天然食材 ,絕無添加化學調味粉及五辛,餐點都是現點現做,美味加分 ,部分可做全素


除了義式料理外,下午時段還提供下午茶,手作法式甜點不容錯過 ★食采集思】在台北松山、新北汐止皆有分店,交通便利,適合聚會與活動 ★可包場團體用餐,還可提供客製化菜單 ★ 為了讓饕客們讓的味蕾感受食材天然原味,「食采集思」還與有機農場合作,確保食材產地直送及新鮮,來自苗栗建福有機農場的有機蔬菜、嘉義開陽國際生技的有機菇類,每一道餐點、食材都有其故事。


我們點了沙拉雙拼披薩墨西哥披薩 +鄉村野菇披薩)、金桔檸檬熱飲、檸檬汁冷飲。雙拼披薩薄、脆,入口即能嚐出蔬食的原始香味,食後有飽足卻不膩口的舒爽。

食采集思(shí cǎi jí sī) is a cozy joint in Xi ZhiTaipei that serves up some casual everyday Italian fare items like thin crust pizzas &pastas made with all-natural and organic ingredients.

All dishes are freshly made-to-order.

I’m familiar with the Zhong Xiao East Road in Taipei, one of the most popular areas among young people for nightlife and where one readily orders one glass too many at night.

I’ve been sober since my stroke last year, so when I learned that this one is in Xi Zhi, not the usual Zhong Xiao East Road, I’m almost relieved.

Since the withdrawal from alcohol, I’ve also become a half vegetarian and opt for healthier choices when it comes to food because I need to watch my diet and live a healthy lifestyle at all times to avoid a second stroke, which I am entitled to at a much higher chance than a regular healthy person.

Driving from MuchaWen Shan District), it takes us only half an hour to get to the restaurant, and with bless, we get a parking spot right in front of the front door. I’m sure if you have a crazy early schedule as I do, you’ll find parking as convenient as us

Teddy, a life-sized stuffed bear, was sitting there facing towards the street as we parked right in front of the restaurant at 5:00 pm sharp for our reservation. I call him Teddy because he’s the same Teddy who I had to cry over for several times before I finally convinced my parents to bring home.

He looks all cool and just chilling, but I can sense him secretly laughing at our parallel parking skills.

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The interior is not over-lavishly decorated.

A musical soundtrack of “Take Me Home, Country Road,” by John Denver provides a casual atmosphere yet with a classy touch at the same time when it’s played with piano.

The place has a rustic-country concept. Stone floor & wooden walls are decorated with vine plants hanging down the wall, keeping with the store’s “natural & organic” concept.

There is a small second-floor dining area which is redesigned from the owner’s original room. With minimal renovation, the area preserves its cozy sense of “home.”

The menu is hand drawn/ and includes a variety selection of food items. From pizzas to pastas and even hot-pot.


Of course, we have to try the classics. pizzas are around $250 NT each and can be split into two flavours for one order, perfect for sharing. We split one with Country Wild Mushrooms flavour & Mexican flavour. Because pizzas in Taiwan usually involve heavy cheese, we choose the “Organic Kumquat-Lemon Tea” to flush it down with a simple salad


The Mushroom half is spread with thin mushroom slices evenly on top of the cheese layer

The Mexican half includes healthy toppings like olives, pepper, and vegetarian ham. The Jalapeño adds just the right amount of kick to it. I personally liked the Mexicanside better. If Jalapeño alone is not enough for spicy food lovers, a house-made hot-pepper oil is available to kick it up a notch. I drizzled mine with lots.

All pizza crusts from the restaurant are made with olive oil instead of butter.

Fresh and organic ingredients with no artificial additives leave us feeling refreshed and not overly stuffed

After the meal.

My only regret is not trying an espresso from the seemingly great coffee machine on the first floor.

食采集思 Currently has two locations:

1. 汐止區忠孝東路305號1樓(近汐止火車站)-closed on Wed

2. 台北市松山區民生東路四段103號2樓(公車搭至公教住宅站)- closed on Tuesday

To learn more, visit their Facebook page at: FB粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/Healthyfoodisgood2/







