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【 胖貢貢古早味蛋糕】芝山捷運站 | 台北士林 | SPONGE CAKE



2017-05-01 22:51 美食


近期有不少國際知名蛋糕品牌入駐台北, 賣的大部分皆是裝飾華麗的千層蛋糕, 唯獨位於台北士林區芝山捷運站的“胖貢貢古早味蛋糕”,反其道而行製作古早味蛋糕 ,也就是海綿蛋糕. 老闆之前在餐飲業工作累積經驗, 也知道在製作過程不加化學添加劑(例如乳化劑、泡打粉、蛋香劑、奶香劑、白油以及酥油)和只賣當天烘烤的蛋糕才是對消費者負責的行為. 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐到他們的咖啡核桃, 帕瑪森乳酪雙層起司, 和經典原味的古早味蛋糕.
Recently, there are many International well-known bakeries or pastry shops opening in Taipei City. They mostly sell multi-layers cakes or tarts. However, “Sponge Cake Aroma” shop near Zhishan MRT station locating in Shilin District decides to sell the simply sponge cakes. As the restaurant industry expertise, the boss knows that offering the customers healthy product would be the best. Therefore, there is no baking soda, emulsifier and other additives. Now, I have the opportunity to try out their coffee walnut sponge cake, cheese sponge cake, and original sponge cake.




店面為開放式烘培廚房, 每日店家都會在FB上告知出爐時間, 已經能想像出爐時蛋糕香味撲鼻而來的感受.拿蛋糕時已是下午, 仍然有不少客人前往購買放在櫃檯上的蛋糕切塊, 沒錯, 不是切片, 而是切塊. 店員熟練地將蛋糕裝入手提盒,蛋糕並無額外的奶油裝飾, 而是以最基本的牛奶,雞蛋,糖,鹽製作.
The store would post their expected finished baking time on their facebook. With the open kitchen, people would smell their delicious cake aroma while walking by. The staff packs the cakes inside the beige cake box. They only uses the most simply ingredients - Milk, Egg, Sugar and Salt to bake the cakes.





Coffee Walnut Sponge Cake
特價: NTD $120
Foodelicious 美味程度:1f44d.svg1f44d.svg1f44d.svg1f44d.svg1f44d.svg
跟老闆聊到原料,咖啡竟是濃縮咖啡 (Expresso)萃取, 而非大部分市面上販售加有抗氧化劑的商業用咖啡粉, 核桃則是使用美國進口核桃. 將蛋糕從盒子拿出時即可聞到濃郁咖啡香味, 烘烤核桃均勻地灑在蛋糕表層,緩緩地切開軟嫩蛋糕後, 咖啡色的紋路讓簡單的蛋糕多點精彩. 連同核桃一起品嘗軟嫩的蛋糕時, 味蕾感受到濃郁咖啡香味而不是苦味,帶有脆感的核桃不僅增加不同層次的口感, 也非常很適合搭配咖啡蛋糕.
The coffee ingredient is actually from the expresso powder instead of commercial use coffee powder (usually contains anti-dioxide). The walnut is originated from USA. While taking the cake out of the box, you can immediately smell the strong coffee aroma. The baked walnut is spread evenly on the surface. Cutting through the soft cake, the marble mark appears. While eating the coffee cake along with the walnut, the tastebuds can feel the coffee flavor and different kind of texture.





Cheese Sponge Cake
特價: NTD $130
Foodelicious 美味程度:1f44d.svg1f44d.svg1f44d.svg1f44d.svg
一層厚起司夾在海綿蛋糕之間, 甚至有少許滿出, 表層有乳酪切丁和撒上帕瑪森起司粉, 此款蛋糕視覺上非常地精彩, 不同於咖啡蛋糕,帕瑪森乳酪雙層起司蛋糕是品嚐時才能感受香濃的起司風味, 也間接讓綿密的蛋糕體更加濕潤, 切丁的乳酪帶來更多乳香和微鹹味, 讓人忍不住一口接一口, 甚至可當早餐享用.
Visually, you can see a thick layer of cheese in between sponge cakes. The surface has cheese cube and parmesan powder. While take a bite at the soft and moist cheese cake, overwhelmed cheese flavor appears. The cheese cube brings hint of saltness. You can even eat it as breakfast.





Original Sponge Cake
特價: $90
Foodelicious 美味程度:1f44d.svg1f44d.svg1f44d.svg1f44d.svg
雖然只有單純蛋糕香味, 但非常適合在下午茶跟許多朋友品嚐, 畢竟有些朋友可能不喜歡咖啡或是起司. 品嚐一口淡黃色的蛋糕, 並不會乾澀, 而是偏濕潤, 整體為較簡單的口味.
It might be the safe option to choose for afternoon tea with friends since some friends might not like cheese or coffee.The cake is unexpectedly moist with simply flavor.




*此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受*


店名: 胖貢貢古早味蛋糕 Sponge Cake Aroma Shop
地址:台北市士林區福國路24號 No. 24, Fuguan Street, Shilin District, Taipei City. (MAP)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhishan MRT station 芝山捷運站
營業時間:11am ~ 9pm
Facebook 粉絲頁: https://www.facebook.com/胖貢貢古早味蛋糕-218403215234123/

