“葡式蛋撻效應”發生的時候, 我人在美國, 終於在澳門旅行時品嚐到傳說中的葡式蛋撻 . 這次有這個榮幸可以品嚐到位於台北榮總附近(石牌捷運站)販售的正宗葡式蛋撻 .
Once upon the time, there are many Pastel De Nata (Pastel de Belém) shops in Taiwan at the same time. However, most of the shops closed down before I returned from US. Today, I have the opportunity to try out “Anders Portuguese Egg Tart Shop” near Shipai MRT station.
出石牌捷運站後往榮總方向走, 即可抵達2017年4月新開幕的安德斯葡式蛋撻, 店內牆上貼著澳門聖保祿大教堂遺址的壁紙, 店內有高腳椅讓顧客休息與聊天, 出爐的蛋撻放在展示櫃中, 由店員服務協助顧客挑選.
Exiting from Shipai MRT station and walk toward “Veterans General Hospital, you can arrive the shop. Inside the store, it has “Ruínas da Antiga Catedral de São Paulo” wall paper. There are also high chairs for the customers to rest and chat. There are trays of warm egg tarts waiting for the customers for quick pick-up.
聽店員說,老闆親自去澳門跟師傅學, 且塔皮跟內餡皆是100%純手工製作, 每天會依銷售情況烘烤數量, 絕對不隔夜賣. 店員將六個蛋撻裝入深褐色紙盒, 紙盒上標記成份只有簡單的麵粉, 砂糖, 牛奶, 雞蛋和酥油,不加香料、人工添加物, 且無反式脂肪.
The staff mentioned that the boss went to Macau to learn how to hand-make Pastel De Nata (Pastel de Belém). Surprisingly, they calculate the quantity based on every day sales. They never sell egg tarts overnight. The staff puts six egg tarts inside the brown box. The nutrition labels the easy ingredient – Flour, sugar, milk, egg and butter (shortening). The label also states that there is no Trans Fat.
English Name: Egg Tart
Price 單價 : NTD $35 (6 pcs / NTD $200)
Foodelicious 美味程度:
市面上販售的少許蛋塔皮都稍微偏乾且較無層次, 安德斯葡式蛋撻外層塔皮有著明顯的層次, 即時過了兩小時,切下蛋撻時,外皮依舊酥脆如咬下蘋果派般時發出”卡滋“的聲響,內餡依舊扎實且不會黏到刀上, 不會過於油膩, 內餡軟嫩且充滿蛋香味, 口感極佳且不會過膩, 可當做早餐, 也可當下午茶的點心,蛋奶素可食用, 內餡上的焦糖化微甜味則是讓原本單調的蛋塔轉變成華麗的葡式蛋塔.
Several egg tarts in the market’s appearance is dry when times goes by. “Anders Portuguese Egg Tart Shop”’s egg tart outside appearance has many layers. Even after 2 hours, you can hear the crisp sound like you are eating apple pie while cutting the tarts. The filling is dense and not oily. Full of egg aroma and creamy are definitely the selling points . The egg tart can be breakfast and also afternoon snack. The caramelized topping transform the easy egg tart to deluxe Pastel De Nata (Pastel de Belém).
*此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
Restaurant Name店名:Anders Portuguese Egg Tart Shop 安德斯葡式蛋撻 MRT station 捷運站: Shipai MRT station 石牌捷運站
Address: No. 53, Lane 99, 2nd Shipai Road , Beitou district, Taipei City 台北市北投區石牌路二段99巷53號 (MAP)
電話:02 2827 0088
營業時間:12 pm ~ 8pm
Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/AndersPortugeseEggTart/